Thursday, May 3, 2012

summer work

These are some paintings I did last summer. I figure I should post them now before the new summer begins.
Swirly colors :)

More swirly colors :)
 Here is a progression of how I painted last summer. I paint differently now.


End result
These are really crappy pictures and I apologize. I'll update them when I get back home and can take better ones.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Summer is coming!

So things are finally winding down at school. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to make art that I care more about, but in the meantime here we have some of the assignments from this semester.
Book cover for Hood

Wintu folktale - Rolling Head part 1

Wintu folktale - Rolling Head part 2

Digital painting triptych
 You may recognize the middle panel of my triptych from one of my earlier posts. Also I'm thinking of making the Wintu folktale into a collection of different stories.